About Us

We are a club practicing Hakka kung fu styles.

The teacher (“師父 sifu” in cantonese) – is Lukas Slavicek, who has been practicing Chinese Martial Arts since 1998. You can learn more about him here (interview in czech) 

We are based in Prague and Zatec and we also organise international seminars with other masters and training internships in China, Vietnam and France.

The specialty of Hakka styles is the practice of explosive power called “ging”.

We practice in Prague every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and in Zatec every Monday and Friday. More details about time table of training is here.

We also organise weekend seminars every month.

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Aktuální zprávy ze světa Bakmei


June 2019, We have organised seminar with head of International Association of Lau Siu Leung Bak Mei – Jonathan Barbary sifu. Was amazing experience and hope that sifu Barbary will come again soon.